Our Services


chiropractic manipulation

Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches..

flexion distraction

This technique is typically performed on a special table and is designed to realign the spine by applying pressure in key areas of the back. The chiropractor effectively decompresses the discs by applying a gentle stretch to the lower spine, and a series of repetitive movements and thrusts to reduce pressure. Flexion/Distraction may help relieve pain from many of the following conditions:

  • Disc herniation

  • Failed back surgery syndromes

  • Sciatica

  • Neck pain

  • Low back pain

  • Facet syndrome

  • Spondylolisthesis

  • Scoliosis

  • Sprain/strain

manual muscle release

This soft tissue technique is a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement, and breath to alleviate pain. Scar tissue is broken up, the muscle is lengthened, muscle memory is restored and relief from pain often starts immediately.


During a cupping session, small cups are placed on the skin to create suction. The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup loosening the muscles and tissue. This encourages lymph and blood flow, assists in the release of toxins, and sedates the nervous system.

Cupping is one of the best deep tissue therapies available. It is thought to affect tissues up to four inches deep to help treat pain , deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, muscle knots, and swelling.

Unlike traditional massage which utilizes downward pressure, cupping uses a negative pressure to lift, open and release the musculature and connective tissue. For most patients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation. The cups are generally left in place for 5-15 minutes during treatment.

instrumented soft tissue massage

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function. The technique separates and breaks down collagen cross-links and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers. It also increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the affected area.

  • Decreases overall time of treatment

  • Helps with faster rehabilitation/recovery

  • Reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication

  • Resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent

Functional Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation focuses on conditions and injuries unique to the active patient. It restores kinetic chain function and promotes principles of physical fitness. Exercise programs focus on stabilizing posture by addressing issues such as balance, core, stretching tightened postural muscles and strengthening reciprocally weakened muscles


Taping method involves utilizing a special elastic-like tape over and around muscles and/or joints in order to assist and give support to affected tissues as well as to prevent over-contraction. While most people think of tape as a restrictor of motion, this type is designed to support and facilitate normal motion. With this method the patient can still be a full participant in the activities which he or she desires, just with a bit of aid.